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Motion Sensor can work as your Security Guard

There are a few options available when it comes to picking a motion sensor for your home / Shop / Showroom / office, and each one functions slightly differently. Most of today’s motion detectors are wireless, electronic, and use either active or passive sensors.

Motion Sensor as Security Product
Motion Sensor can be use as security product for your home / Shop / Showroom / office but most of Motion Sensor trigger false alarm because it detect any moving object like rate, insect, bird, lizard, Pets etc so it disturb and frustrate people, that is the reason it is not been use as security product for home / Shop / Showroom / office.
StarrBot Motion Sensor has feature which only detect Human Body movement which is the only solution against false trigger and different from all other Motion Sensor. It does not detect any moving object except Human Body so it can be use as security product for your home / Shop / Showroom / office. It can work as security guard to protect your home / Shop / Showroom / office in your absence.

StarrBot Motion Sensor can:

  • # Alert you in the event when someone enter in your home / Shop / Showroom / office in your absence.
  • # Trigger Alarm when someone enter in your home / Shop / Showroom / office.
  • # Send Alert to you as siren on your mobile when someone enter in your home / Shop / Showroom / office.
  • # Save energy by using motion sensor lighting in unoccupied spaces.

Passive Infrared Sensors

Also known as PIR motion sensors, Detects body heat (infrared energy). Passive infrared sensors are the most widely used motion in home security systems. When your system is armed, your motion sensors are activated. Once the sensor warms up, it can detect heat and movement in the surrounding areas, creating a protective “grid.” If a moving object blocks too many grid zones and the infrared energy levels change rapidly, the sensors are tripped.

This is the type of motion detector that is most commonly chosen to protect residential homes due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of use. These sensors detect infrared energy that is released from the body heat radiation of humans and animals. PIR Sensor

PIR Sensors are intuitive and can come with a variety of features such as a 120-degree look down, so that no intruder will be able to sneak underneath the sensor’s range of vision.
A motion sensor (or motion detector) is the linchpin of your security system, because it’s the main device that detects when someone is in your home / Shop / Showroom / office when they shouldn’t be. A motion sensor uses one or multiple technologies to detect movement in an area. If a sensor is tripped, a signal is sent to your security system’s control panel, which connects to your monitoring centre, alerting you and the monitoring centre to a potential threat in your home / Shop / Showroom / office.
The main purpose of motion detection is to sense an intruder and send an alert to your control panel, which alerts your monitoring center. Sensors work when you are not home / Shop / Showroom / office, or when you tell the system you are not there. Some security systems can be programmed to record events via a security camera when motion is detected.

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